Minggu, 16 November 2014

Present Participle


Present Participle

Present participle atau active participle  ialah verb (kata kerja) yang berujung “ing” : running , passing , reading dll. Apabila present participle didahului oleh “to be “ maka akan menjadi progressive form (continous form). Present participle sering muncul setelah object dari kata kerja : see, hear, smell, feel, watch, notice, listen to, look at , observe, keep, find, catch , leave yang berfngsi sebagai adjective atau adverb.

Apabila present participle (V-ing) muncul di awal kalimat perhatikan dan diingat bahwa dalam bentuk present participle sudah terkandung beberapa kata-kata (arti):

A.      Example :  Walking alone the street , Mr. Yery met his old friend.
Dalam kata “walking” di atas terkandung kata “while” (sedang atau sementara)

B.      Example : Having studied at LPIA , Dina went home with her classmate.
Dalam kata” having”  mengandung arti kata “after” (setelah)

C.      Example : Being ill, my sister had her dinner brought to her bedroom.
Dalam kata “being” mengandung arti kata “because/as since” (karena)

D.      Example : Turning to the right , you will find their house.
Present participle akan mempunyai arti kata “ if” (jika) apabila kalimat kedua dalam bentuk “future”


1.       We are drinking a lot this night.
( we are drinks a lot this night )
2.       Running down the stairs, Maria slipped and broken her hand.
( Run down the stairs , Maria got slipp and broken her hand)
3.       Having completed the english task , my friends felt so great.
(Have complete the english take , my friends feel so great).
4.       Being sick, Nurul is absent.
(Being sick, Nurul was absent)
5.       Passing the final examination smoothly , you will be a best student in the school.
(Pass the final examination smoothly , you would be a best student in the school).

Conversation Audio : Expression

Sakti : How do you feel about our last middle test?
Alfan : I feel glory. How about you?
Sakti : Well, its difficult at mathematics test, but I believe still pass.
Alfan : I suggest that you study with me.
Sakti : That's a good idea, but I must work after lecture end.
Alfan : Why don't you come to my house at weekend?
Sakti : I'd love to, but I have a date with my girlfriend.
Alfan : Too bad, Actually I would to ask you to play DOTA2 online after we study.
Sakti : Ahai........That's a wonderfull idea. I will cancel my date and join to study.